Weekend Warrior - Hyper Light Driftin'

Another week has ended, meaning another weekend draws near. Funny how that works, isn't it? After a long week of playing and writing about video games, the Game Informer crew will relax by playing and writing about video games. Time is a flat circle. But we'll also be watching some movies, getting some exercise, and hanging out with our families! Check out out plans below and share yours in the comments.

Brian Shea (@brianpshea) – I’m going to be taking some trips focused on playing Pokémon Go this weekend, but that’s far from all the gaming I’ll be doing. I’m also looking forward to playing some more Hyper Light Drifter and Badland. I also would like to dive back into Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain at some point, but who knows if that’s in the cards for this weekend.

Matthew Kato (@mattkato) – Going to play more of the NHL beta for sure, both the EASHL and HUT strains, and I’d also like to start Hyper Light Drifter. I’ll probably also dip back into PES 2016, which I haven’t played in a few weeks.

Haley MacLean (@haleyfaxer) – This weekend I plan to try out Hyper Life Drifter, go on some Pokéwalks, and try to reach level 100 in Overwatch. I am currently obsessed with trying to get all the Overwatch player trophies in order to get the "cute" and "pixel" sprays for each individual character and some of them are impossibly hard, like trying to get a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker or getting three killing blows while wall-riding as Lucio without dying.  I also really need to watch Stranger Things because I heave heard non-stop good things about that show.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I’m really hoping to get some quality time with my phone and Pokémon Go, the game is still going strong in my heart. Other than that, I’d love to play more Headlander or Overwatch but I’m not sure I’ll have time since I’ll be driving home for a big ol’ family reunion. Yuck. Enjoy your freedom!

AJ Moser (@andmoser) – I’m starting to get burnt out on Pokémon Go, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be crawling around my neighborhood this weekend trying to win back all the local gyms. When I’m at home, I will be continuing to get frustrated at Hyper Light Drifter but loving every second of it. In between all of this, I'm going to listen to a LOT of The Killers because I recently remembered how great of a band they are.

Jeff Marchifava (@gijeffm) – While I’ve cut down on my own idiocy a bit, Pokémon Go still demands a fair amount of my gaming time these days, and will likely spur a walk or two around the neighborhood this weekend. I also plan to continue blasting my way through the new Doom, which has been one of my biggest happy surprises this year so far, not that it should have been much of a surprise.

Elise Favis (@elisefavis) Hoping to make some more progress in Wind Waker HD. I haven't played it in years, and it's absolutely gorgeous on the Wii U. Hoping to also wrap up DKC: Tropical Freeze if I find the time, and dig into the newest act of the strange but alluring Kentucky Route Zero.

Blake Hester (Add me on LinkedIn) – After playing through The Witcher 3 and both of its expansions, I'm taking a little bit of a break from gaming. Instead I've been doing some reading and will continue to read Console Wars by Blake Harris.

Kyle Hilliard (@kylemhilliard) – I’m going to go buy some bushes. And then I am going to put those bushes in front of my house. I am also going to finish my console playthrough of Hyper Light Drifter because I like that game so much. I am at the end boss, but I want to try to find every single triangle thing – something I didn’t have time to do when I played it on PC. My daughter also has a bunch of birthday parties this weekend so that should be interesting. I’ll probably also watch The Angry Birds Movie a bunch because that released digitally this week. And finally, I picked up Batman V Superman, which I skipped in theaters despite being a big old Batman fan. I am optimistic that I will like it more than most. We’ll see.

Leo Vader (@leovader) – Dearest Wife, I hope this letter finds you well. Times are tough on the battlefront. My PC is failing so until I can afford to fix it, I'm plugging my PS4 back in. I intend to crack a bottle of wine and get back into the Last of Us multiplayer, which I maintain is one of the best multiplayer modes of all time. I will also be sleeping and eating. Thank you.

Well that's a dark note to close on. Hope your plans are more uplifting! Sound off below on what games you'll be playing, what you thought of Batman V Superman, and your favorite Killers album.

Weekend Warrior - Hyper Light Driftin'
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