The Transformers: The Movie Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary

We didn’t want to let August 8, 2016 pass without a mention of today’s big 30-year movie anniversary. The Transformers animated movie released in theaters on this day back in 1986. While its original release met middling reviews, it has garnered increased recognition and praise as the years have passed, largely in thanks to a generation of moviegoers who saw the movie as children, and now look back with great fondness on the animated film.

The enthusiasm isn’t just about nostalgia. With its frequent and often shocking character deaths, melodramatic but memorable lines, and grand science fiction scope, the original Transformers movie has earned much of the fervor that has helped to transform it into a cult classic for both animation fans and 80s enthusiasts. And it doesn’t hurt that the movie is accompanied by a rocking 80s soundtrack. 

If you’re like us, you’ll use this anniversary to track down a copy of the original movie and check it out. If you’re willing to wait a while, a Blu-ray version of the film is planned for release on September 13. I had an opportunity to check out an early cut of this new version, which includes a cut of the film remastered from a new 4K transfer of the original 35mm film. It looks amazing, sounds great, and is an ideal way to experience the magic. If that’s what you’re looking for, you can pre-order the upcoming Blu-ray release right here

Check out the trailer for the new version below.

‘Til all are one, everybody. 

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The Transformers: The Movie Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
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