You a Mass Effect fan? Dream of hearing your voice while you're roaming around that universe? Best get in front of that mirror and start practicing your voice. Bioware's giving you the chance to end up doing some voice work for Mass Effect Andromeda with a new contest.
The publisher recently posted a blog entry titled "Explorers Wanted" that revealed the details of the contest:
Starting September 12, 2016 at 6 PM GMT, we’re giving you the chance to voice a character in an upcoming Mass Effect videogame.
All you need to do is download a script, upload your vocal take, send the link to, and you’ll be entered. Video and audio recordings are both acceptable. Once you’ve submitted your entry, we encourage you to share it on social media with #ExplorersWanted.
The winner will be flown to one of our recording studios, put up in a hotel for up to two nights, and perform in a professional recording session.
There's also an amusing trailer for the contest you can watch right here:
(Please visit the site to view this media)
You can find the rules here.
Our Take
We're sure plenty of Mass Effect fans will jump at the opportunity to get their voice into Andromeda and that trailer is pretty adorable.
Bioware Holding Contest For Fans To Put Their Voices In Mass Effect Andromeda
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