Weekend Warrior – Getting Ready For The Fall Game Rush

Big titles like Forza Horizon 3, NBA 2K17, and Destiny: The Rise of Iron just release, so the Fall rush feels like it's officially in full swing. Many of us are jumping into those great games, and catching up on our backlogs.

Have any fun plays this weekend? Let us know what you'll be up to and what games you'll be playing down below!

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m going to be playing Forza Horizon 3 and NBA 2K17 primarily, but I’m sure I’ll spend a few hours in Overwatch and Pokémon Go. I also want to continue my Batman: Arkham Origins playthrough, and maybe I’ll play a few games in Madden 17.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I can’t say it’s one I am super excited about, but my family is excited about Storks, so we’re going to see that. Otherwise I have a review game I am working on, I can’t seem to stop playing Picross 3D Round 2, and I’ve been dabbling a bit in Destiny’s Rise of Iron expansion. I should probably beat the last chapter of Quantum Break at some point.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I’m hoping to get Forza Horizon 3 up and running on my PC, I’m really in the mood to play a racing game. Especially a good one (see Reiner’s review). Other than that, I’ve got some new games to putz around with on my 3DS that I might talk about on next week’s GI Show. Then…ummm…let’s see…I guess maybe NBA 2K17 as well? Okay, have a good weekend!

Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) – My weekend might go exclusively to first-person experiences. I plan on playing Virginia and Dear Ester: Landmark Edition and The Bunker. TV watching includes Neighbors 2 and The Strain: Season 2.

Javy Gwaltney (@Hurdyiv) – Chilling in Portland this weekend and checking out some delightfully odd games, including The Bunker and Wheels of Aurelia.

Elise Favis (@elisefavis) – I’m looking forward to jumping back into Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, since I was enjoying it quite a bit. This weekend, I’ll likely also check out Virginia, which editor Javy won’t stop raving about. Considering I just finished Dreamfall Chapters last night (which has such a fantastic story – if you’re a fan of The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, definitely play it), I’m hoping Virginia will satisfy my adventure game itch. Have a good weekend!

Jeff Marchiafava (@GIJeffM This week I plan on checking out The Turing Test, which Reiner has been raving about. I don’t know much about it, but after looking up the Turing Test on Wikipedia, it appears to be about creating a self-aware robot that will take over the world. If I’m not a human meat-slave by the end of the game, I hope to jump back into Overwatch this weekend, or maybe finally give Destiny a second shot.

Weekend Warrior – Getting Ready For The Fall Game Rush
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