Weekend Warrior - Spooky Times Ahead

September is coming to a close which means everything is going to start to get spooky. Ghosts, goblins, and other monsters are gonna be on the prowl, but luckily we have Luke Cage to stop them.

Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) – I’m going to be watching Luke Cage because I’m a sensible person who likes Good Things. Also, finishing up Bioshock to continue our Game Club discussion.

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I just finished my playthrough of The Turing Test (which you should totally play if you're a fan of Portal!), so I'm diving back into my careers in Forza Horizon 3 and NBA 2K17. I'll also probably play a little Madden 17, and of course I'll pour my usual hours into Overwatch and Pokémon Go. I also really want to start a new game of XCOM 2 now that it's on consoles, but I might be getting a little too ambitious at this point.

Jenifer Vinson (@JenMarie_Vinson) – Renaissance Festival, a bonfire, and working on my Lara costume for Halloween.

Jeff Cork (@gijeff) – My parents are in town this weekend, which means I probably won't have a lot of time for gaming. Maybe I'll give them a VR demo if the weather talk gets too intense. I'll probably have to put a tarp on the floor, because they are old people who may or may not throw up.

Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau) – My PC arrived this week and it seems to have survived the journey from upstate New York unscathed. This weekend I'll be trying to clear out some of the massive backlog I've built up this year - I've got the last chunk of Doom to finish off, and I want to check out the Nuka World DLC for Fallout 4. I need to devote some time to Overwatch, too: I haven't gotten around to playing Ana yet and I've been itching to find out what she's like in combat.

Michael Leri (@OrangeFlavored) – This weekend, as per suggestion of Mr. Ben Reeves, I'm going to the heart of Minneapolis with my girlfriend to track down a Juicy Lucy, which is (sadly) not as sexual as it sounds. When I plant my bony butt on the couch, I'll try to watch Luke Cage, The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and maybe finish up O.J.: Made in America. That Juice Boy seems like such a nice man! I wonder what happens next! No spoilers! Also pray for me, since I also intend to struggle through more Life is Strange, which is not v lit and cool and bae and hashtag. And, yeah of course I'll be playing more Mortal Kombat X, as I always do.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I have to play an unhealthy amount of BioShock to finish the game off in time for our Game Club discussion next week, it should be a fun one. Also, I'm hoping to spend plenty of time with Forza Horizon 3. I love that game so much, and I love you for reading this. Have a good weekend!

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I'll probably be seeing Tim Burton's gothic X-Men children movie tonight and eating Mexican food. The rest of the weekend is dishes, laundry, video games, and reminding my daughter how late it is and that she should go to sleep. Might watch Warcraft and/or Civil War at some point. I haven't seen either.

Kevin Slackie (@KSlackie) – My weekend is gonna start off with some Street Fighter V and binge-watching Luke Cage. I'll try to explore Minneapolis a bit before staying away from the cold to finally get through Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse and Pokemon Red before Sun/Moon come out.

What about you, readers? Tell us what you've got planned!

Weekend Warrior - Spooky Times Ahead
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