Pokémon Go reignited a fever for catching pocket monsters across the country, and that renewed love for Pokémon seems to be helping the sales for Nintendo's other upcoming monster tamer.
According to a recent tweet from Nintendo, Pokémon Sun & Moon have already broken the record for most pre-sold copies of a game in Nintendo history. Meanwhile, the recent Sun & Moon demo was the most downloaded demo ever on the 3DS. If you're one of the eager fans looking forward to Sun & Moon's release, here are a few other monster hunters to play while you wait.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are already breaking records! Have you played the free Special Demo Version yet?https://t.co/rIXTGTaMhz http://pic.twitter.com/7RkQQlecjI
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 27, 2016
[Source: @NintendoAmerica]
Our Take
This is impressive. Pokémon was already a strong series, but its currently revival seems to be encouraging a rush of old fans back to the series. It will be interesting to see how the game sells after release. I know I'm looking forward to playing this one.
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