Rick And Morty Co-Creator's VR Game Accounting Is Available Now

Rick and Morty is great blend of strange and hilarious, and it's likely that the VR game Accounting has a similar vibe. Accounting, which released today for free, is a VR game from Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland, who founded the indie studio Squanchtendo earlier this year.

Accounting is created by Squanchtendo in collaboration with Crows Crows Crows, which is a studio that was formed by designer William Pugh who worked on The Stanley Parable.

Accounting can be downloaded for the HTC Vive on Steam. As you can see below, the trailer introduces a talking cloud with a neurotic voice on par with what you may typically find in the show.

Accounting tasks you with being an accountant, while a voice screams commands at you from a messaging machine. You can read more about Accounting in the latest issue of Game Informer magazine, where we sat down with creators Roiland and Tanya Watson to see just how wacky this VR experience is. For more on Rick and Morty, read about Adult Swim's upcoming VR game, Rick and Morty Simulator: Virtual Rick-ality, based on the popular cartoon.

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