After delving into the ins and outs of the two Legend of Zelda Oracle games, Youtuber Mark Brown sets his sights on analyzing a much bigger game: The Wind Waker.
In the twelve-minute video, Brown points out a number of things about the intricacies of The Wind Waker's dungeons. He remarks on how rather than having the player take notes on areas they can't proceed through initially and return to them after obtaining that dungeon's items, the dungeons you explore in the submerged version of Hyrule guide you directly back to the most important obstacle your new item overcomes, similar to some of the shortcuts in games like Metroid or the Souls series. He also notes how many of the dungeons suffer from a linearity that makes them less fun to explore than those of previous games but feature more coherent motifs.
You can watch the full video and learn more about how the dungeons work in the video below.
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