December Cover Revealed – Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect was one of the defining franchises of the last generation, but Commander Shepard’s story has been done for more than four years. Ever since Mass Effect 3, fans have been wondering what is next for this series. BioWare officially announced Mass Effect Andromeda at E3 2015, and we’ve seen glimpses of it since – including during September’s PS4 Pro reveal. However, fans haven’t gotten any solid details about what Andromeda is or what it means for the future of Mass Effect. Until now.

We visited BioWare Montreal to get the first real look at the next installment in this epic outer-space saga, scheduled to release in spring 2017. We watched the opening scenes, saw a new alien species, and even played a few rounds of multiplayer. We interviewed the team about changes to the combat, how skill points work, and the various activities and planets you’ll discover as either Scott or Sarah Ryder. You can find all of these details – and many more – packed into our 16-page cover story.

We also worked with BioWare to give you two gorgeous covers – one for each of the Ryder twins. You can see them in their full glory below.

Click on the covers above and below to see the entire spreads, front and back.

To learn more about our upcoming online coverage and get a glimpse of what we saw during our trip to BioWare Montreal, check out our Mass Effect Andromeda coverage trailer below. You can also watch and share on YouTube.

If you’re a BioWare fan, you’ll be happy to know that the flood of info doesn’t stop with Mass Effect Andromeda. This issue also has a massive 16-page oral history of BioWare, in which Matt Bertz talks to the big names – past and present – that have shaped the company’s history and will continue guiding its future. From the studio’s formation and early games to its latest blockbusters (and all the interesting stories in between), this is a must-read look at one of the most respected developers in the industry.

Other features you can dive into include our annual Holiday Buying Guide, an interview with Blizzard’s Mike Morhaime, and previews on much-anticipated games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy XV.

Print subscribers should see their issues arriving in the next week or two, but it will be available later today if you subscribe digitally (available on PC/MaciPadAndroid, and Google Play). You can also get the latest issue through third-party apps on NookKindle, and Zinio starting tomorrow. To switch your print subscription to digital, click here. To create a new subscription to the digital edition, click here.

Our Mass Effect Andromeda cover story is only the beginning. Come back throughout the month of November to see even more exclusive features and interviews, including a closer look at the new party members, a breakdown of multiplayer, and a rapid-fire Q&A with creative director Mac Walters. Access the hub by clicking on the banner below!

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