Meet Mass Effect Andromeda's Leading Voice Cast

You’re going to be spending a lot of time with the Ryder family in Mass Effect Andromeda. These characters volunteer to leave the Milky Way behind and awaken 600 years after the events of the original Mass Effect trilogy in a new galaxy. Players explore Andromeda as one of two Ryder twins, and the family’s story is an important narrative component of the game. With this focus on the Ryder clan, you should probably get to know them – starting with what they sound like.

BioWare has tapped some impressive voice talent for Mass Effect Andromeda (including some famous names), and you can learn who will be portraying the game’s leading family right here.

Character: Alec Ryder
Voice:Clancy Brown
Best known as: Hades in God of War III, Mr. Krabs in SpongeBob Squarepants, The Kurgan in Highlander, Brother Justin in Carnivàle

Character: Scott Ryder
Voice: Tom Taylorson
Best known as: Octodad in Octodad: Dadliest Catch

Character: Sarah Ryder
Voice: Fryda Wolff
Best known as: Narrator in Civilization: Beyond Earth

At the beginning of the game, players select whether they want to be Scott or Sarah (with the option to customize their appearance, of course). Both of the twins are relatively inexperienced – especially when compared to Commander Shepard – but their father is an N7 like the Mass Effect series’ previous hero. As the “Pathfinder,” Alec Ryder’s job is to lead humanity to a new home among unfamiliar stars.

Regardless of whether you choose Scott or Sarah Ryder as your hero, you'll still be hearing plenty from the other sibling. Picking one twin doesn't mean the other ceases to exist – they both play significant roles in the story. In fact, there's a mystery tied to the Ryder family that players can discover as the game progresses. We discuss more about these characters and their roles in this month's cover story, which you can read right now. Click here to switch your print subscription to digital, or to create a new subscription to the digital edition, click here

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