Weekend Warrior – Shooting Stuff With Friends

Everyone at GI seems to have two games on their mind: Overwatch and Dishonored 2.  So whether it's toppling aristocrats or moving the payload, everyone is looking to have a quiet weekend inside. What are you playing to battle the winter blues? Let us know in the comments!

Jeff Cork (@gijeff) – I'll be spending the majority of my gaming weekend putting a little cursor over bad guys and pressing buttons. I'm hoping to wrap up Titanfall 2's campaign, and then I'm rolling right over to the new Call of Duty and Dishonored 2. And, of course, I can't forget Overwatch. I have to enjoy the pre-Sombra world while we still can; things aren't going to be the same once she joins the roster.

Javy Gwaltney (@Hurdyiv) – I'm going to drown myself in Dishonored 2, Infinite Warfare, and Cowboy Bebop. Like an adult.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I'm going to be playing Dishonored 2 and hope to finish off Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Good times!

Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I just got a PlayStation 4 Pro (the first PS4 I fully own), so I have a lot of catching up to do. Who knows what I'll play - Titanfall 2? Hitman, which I can finally return to after playing the first episode and thinking it was okay? The Old Hunters DLC for Bloodborne? The silver lining of Dishonored 2's PC version being shaky is that I can put it off for a bit, but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed by it.

Ian Boudreau (@ibourdreau) – I'm planning on a quiet weekend, and I think turn-based games are the perfect pairing for a cup of tea and cooler weather. So the plan is to start fresh campaigns in XCOM 2 and Total War: Warhammer, both of which I've enjoyed tremendously but not played nearly enough. They've added Squigs to Warhammer, and who doesn't love Squigs?

Dan Tack (@dantack) –  Kingdom Hearts. I am a huge Disney fanboy (Omg, I love Donald Duck he's so funny) and I love it when they use their franchises in cool ways. I absolutely adore coming back to games like Kingdom Hearts because they are like peanut butter and chocolate together, Disney and Final Fantasy are two of my favorite things ever. And when you add stuff like Oogie Boogie and Lock, Shock, and Barrel (My favorite team of villains of all time) and Halloween town the recipe is basically unbeatable. So when you ask me, what am I playing, I'm going to don a Fantasia Mickey Hat, strap on my FASTPASS armband and pretend I'm  in the Magic Kingdom all weekend long.

Jeff Marchiafava (@gijeffm) –This weekend I plan on continuing to plug away on the new Call of Duty. I've been mighty impressed with both Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 this year, which leaves COD as the last big shooter of 2016. I've only played a few hours of the single-player campaign so far, and I like some of the things it's trying to do, but I need to finish it up and try the competitive multiplayer and zombies mode before I make a final conclusion about it. I also hope to get in some more Overwatch time, because that game refuses to get old.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – No big plans for this weekend, other than working on some review games. I also want to play Dishonored 2. I played through the first level, and am eager to get back to it. I might make some dinner. It will probably feature some kind of meat and some kind of vegetable. It's all very mysterious. I might also bug my brother for some babysitting so my wife and I can go see Arrival. I haven't been paying much attention to it, but I do love good sci-fi, and it is getting reviewed very well.

Kim Wallace (@kstar1785) – This weekend I'll be diving into Dishonored 2. Going to play Emily's path first! I'm still hopelessly addicted to Overwatch, so it's a given that will be a large of part of my weekend. Other than that, I also really need to catch up on Westworld!

Kristin Williams (@kristincreate) – I'm just working through the original Mass Effect, hoping to get a good run through all three in before Andromeda.

Margaret Andrews (@sopheava) – Dishonored 2, Skyrim, Overwatch, and Titanfall 2 but not in that order or I won't leave the house until next Spring. I might also take myself to that new movie Arrival because it looks mind-explodingly awesome.

Michael Leri (@OrangeFlavored) - I'm going to try to do whatever I can to take my mind off what happened during this nightmarish week, which means a lot of Dishonored 2. So far, it's a smart, very fun video game and I need that right now. 

Kevin Slackie (@KSlackie) – After watching Blizzcon this past week I've hopped on the Heroes of the Storm train, so I'll play through that a bit. I might try to grab some of the Pro Day sales tomorrow and play whatever I manage to find from that. Sunday is mostly going to be Animal Crossing and 30 Rock.

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