Battlefield 1 Update Adds New Map, Spectator Mode

Today DICE revealed the depth of December's planned Battlefield 1 update, and the additions are impressive.

Leading the way is the Giant's Shadow map, the first new one since the game's October release. The map is based on the battle of the Selle in 1918. "With a massive crashed airship casting its shadow onto the battlefield, you can expect fierce combat on the open ground and river banks alongside the Cateau-Wassigny railway," DICE says on the Battlefield blog. The free map is available to play on December 13 for premium members, and December 20 for the wider public.

The return of Spectator mode also allows players to observe other matches using a free-cam or switching between first- and third-person perspectives for any player participating in the battle. The update also adds another custom game type, Standard Issue Rifles, which limits class weapons to their faction's standard issue rifle.

You can read in more details about these changes and the balance updates (which include shotgun damage) here.

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