Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes Adds Weekly Events And Holiday Content

The collectible card game starring PopCap's massive Plants vs. Zombies franchise has introduced weekly events. Plants vs. Zombies Heroes players can now take on weekly in-game events in both single- and multiplayer matches to unlock a new card each week.

As players win matches, they earn tickets, which can be redeemed for new cards. Winning in single-player earns you 10 tickets, while a multiplayer victory nets you 15. If you don't earn enough tickets to unlock that week's card, you can pay for the rest using the game's gem currency. This seems like a likely solution, as the current card for this week's challenge costs 2,000 tickets (or 500 gems). Players can use the featured Hero class of the week to boost the number of tickets earned.

To add to the content drop today, Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is getting in the mood for the holiday season with new Feastivus packs and an all-new card. The Jolly Holly card is an amphibious member of the smarty class with the effect of freezing zombies next door when played. The Jolly Holly is included in the Feastivus Bundle and the Feastivus Mega Bundle. The former includes a Valkyrie, a Winter Squash, and 15 additional cards, while the latter packs in four Feastivus Bundles plus a bonus Kernel Corn. Each Feastivus Bundle costs $4.99, while a Feastivus Mega Bundle is $19.99.

To learn more about the events system, including tips from the developers, head over to the Plants vs. Zombies Heroes blog.

Our Take
In the crowded space that is the CCG section of the App Store, it takes a lot to stand out. Weekly events and new content is always gives players an excuse to drop in and pour some time into a game, so this is a good start for PvZ Heroes. I liked the game when it first launched, so this is good incentive for me to add it back into my rotation of daily games to check in with on my phone.

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