With the recent news that the Nintendo 64 is the hot nostalgia item of today, it prompts the question: why are so many people flocking to it now?
People want to relive their glory days, and often, old consoles get sold, broken, or lost, so it makes sense that people would want to pay money to replace a piece of their childhood. But that prompts another question: what's the most dear gaming-related thing you've lost?
Mine was when my own mother (my own mother!) sold our family's Super Nintendo out from under us. Years after we got a Nintendo 64, we had a yard sale, and while we were away doing who knows what, my mother (my own mother!) decided to sell the system to someone for a measly $20. It wasn't so much the monetary loss of the system as the fact that we didn't realize we'd lost it until days later, since we kept it in storage most of the time. It was a heartbreaking loss, and that lucky person who got a cheap SNES also got most of our game collection. My own mother!
So as try to hold back a long-forgotten tear, I turn it to you: what's your biggest gaming-related loss? Did someone break your expensive gaming sound system? Did you meticulously work on a cosplay outfit for weeks, only to have your dog chew it the weekend you were going to wear it for the first time? Did you buy a Super Nintendo from my mother (my own mother!) for $20 only to realize it was secretly cursed, and now you've lost everything you hold dear, which would be the one thing that would make me feel sort of better about my own loss? Let us know in the comments.
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