Weekend Warrior – So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

The year is rapidly coming to a close, and naturally talk around the office has turned to year-end lists. With most of 2016's big releases out, now's the perfect time to revisit some of the games we didn't get enough time with earlier in the year. Meanwhile, we interns have come to the end of our term here, so we're saying our farewells to the staff and making plans for our next adventures. What are your weekend plans, dear Game Informer readers? Are you road tripping through Final Fantasy, or hanging out with your new pal Trico? Let us know in the comments.

Javy Gwaltney (@HurdyIV) – I’m going to be relaxing in my quiet little apartment, taking some much needed time to myself to watch Bebop, write some WORDS, and continue playing through Anime Boi Road Trip XV.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – While I’d love to spend much more time playing Final Fantasy XV, I need to cram in a lot of time with Pokemon Sun and Moon for our upcoming Game Club. We hope you all join along in the tropical fun and stuff! Have a good weekend!

Jenifer Vinson (@JenMarie_Vinson) – I think I’m going to the Harry Potter yule ball event tonight at the Mall of America. Hufflepuff represent! I finished Buffy last weekend, so at least some of this weekend will be spent binge-watching Angel. Also baking Christmas cookies.

Matthew Kato (@MattKato) – I really hope I can carve out some time for The Last Guardian as well as keep on playing Dishonored. They are two very different flavors, to be sure, but that’s what makes them such a good pairing for this weekend.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I finished (and really enjoyed!) The Last Guardian this week, but I am considering a second playthrough this weekend. After waiting so long to enter a new Fumito Ueda world, I am not ready to leave just yet. Plus, Trico is astonishing. If I change my mind, though, I will be heading back to Final Fantasy XV – a game I am enjoying, but one I don’t mind stepping away from for periodic breaks. Otherwise, it’s my wife’s birthday and I bought her a bunch of Vegeta statues because he’s the only man she would ever leave me for. Also, more ice skating lessons for my daughter.

Kevin Slackie (@KSlackie) – After I finish crying about how my Game Informer internship is almost coming to an end and how I’ll never see Ben Reeves' luscious curls or Javy’s cryptid-like height, I’m gonna spend the weekend trying to get stuff to put into the infamous intern box. What’s already in it…that’s one of the 7 wonders of the GI office. Really though thank you for reading me write bad about video games, you guys have been awesome!

Michael Leri (@OrangeFlavored) – I didn’t actually plan anything for my last Weekend Warrior as an intern. Boy, do I feel unprepared. I know you might not read this anyway so a speech here would probably be wasted unless I hid nudes in it. (Editor's note: He did.) Just know, dear reader, that it has been fun working here and interacting with you all. Hopefully, I’ll be working on bigger and better things in the future and you’ll see my name and probably still not know who the hell it is. But in the short term, I’ll be trying to slog through Mafia III’s shallow and frustrating gameplay to get its good story. Other than that, I’ll hopefully dive back into Dishonored 2 and the Batman: Arkham City remaster as I try to find a job.

Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau) – My brother gave me a copy of The Division earlier this week, and I've been enjoying it a lot – mostly because it's a chance to hang out "together," which we rarely get to do these days. So I'm hoping to get some more of that in before heading back to my own corner of New York (where there are more cows than cleaners). This is my last Weekend Warrior, and putting it together is bittersweet. The three months I've gotten to spend here have flown by much like a flock of bulbous cacodemons, and I'm really going to miss this place! Thanks so much for reading, and for sharing your thoughts. Until next time!

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