Ghost Of Tsushima PSX Panel Gives Insight Into Its Beginnings

At the PlayStation Experience today, developer Sucker Punch candidly explained the genesis of Ghost of Tsushima, their new samurai action title.

The panel was made up of creative director Nate Fox, art director Jason Connell, animation director Billy Harper, and associate producer Ryuhei Katami to talk about the game revealed at Paris Games Week. The developers talked about the largest and most important character is the world and introducing the world to players was the hardest part of making the reveal trailer a few months ago.

When asked why Sucker Punch decided to pursue a game about samurais, Nate Fox said, "You do something for a long time, you want to try something different. It's creatively satisfying to be freaked out." 

"This was definitely a risk, but one that was so worth taking because we get to write a love letter to one of our favorite genres," said Billy Harper, with a sense of relief in his voice that the game had been so well-received.

Katami pointed out that they had a team in Japan to make sure the game respects Japanese culture. Sucker Punch took two trips to Japan to take reference photos and explore the region to prepare their own original story for the game. Harper told a story of meeting a government official from Tsushima, to whom he handed his business card as a standard Japanese greeting, only to find his business card and an explanation of why Sucker Punch was there printed in the local paper.

"Can you just print someone's business card in the paper?" the host asked.

"Thankfully, no, which is why we were able to get it taken out," said Harper. "We almost revealed everything right there."

Ghost of Tsushima is for PlayStation 4 and has not had a publicly revealed date.

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