It's been a year of ups and downs for Hitman developer IO Interactive, having split from owner Square-Enix but retaining the rights to the Hitman license. The developer is ending the year by giving away arguably the game's best level, Paris, for free alongside a holiday pack.
The timed pack is only available from December 15 through January 9 as the Hitman Holiday Pack on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. It includes the first post-tutorial story mission, the Paris runway mission "Showstopper," all of the levels escalation missions, challenge packs, and any Paris-related Elusive Targets when they get re-activated in 2018.
Downloading the pack makes it permanent and the remaining episodes can be purchased separately if you want. Whether you do that or get the Game of the Year edition, your progress and unlocks will carry over.
Additionally, last year's Holiday Hoarders mission, which involves a teleporting Santa and the plot of Home Alone, is coming back. If you have the mission from last year, you also get the ability to wear the Santa outfit in all the levels in the game.
Hitman originally released its first episode in March 2016 and the full season one in January of this year. A Game of the Year edition released recently with the first new content since wrapping up season one. You can watch us play the Game of the Year edition right here.
Our Take
Paris was a fantastic level and trying to do the story mission in different ways cemented it as one of my favorite games of 2016. I am glad everyone gets the chance to play it now.
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