For the wondrous weekend ahead, some of us are wrapping up our time with Monster Hunter: World to move onto grander adventures such as dying over and over in Celeste, getting stuck in a backlog limbo, showing questionable amounts of love for Rainbow Six Siege, or watching the Olympics and Black Panther. What are your grandiose plans for the weekend? Share with us in the comments below.
Jon Bowman (@MrGameAndWrite) – I've got some friends visiting from Colorado, so I won't have a lot of time for games this weekend. If I do find some time, I want to play Florence. I can't remember the last time I've been eager to play a game on my phone, especially in a post-Switch world.
Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – Oh man, whatever will I play this weekend. Now that we've wrapped up our Monster Hunter: World Game Club, the curse is lifted and I'm free to play other games. I kid, I had a good time with that time-suck of a game. So last night I went back to Subnautica and had a hell of a time getting back into it. It's really tough to jump back into such an organization-heavy sim like that after a month or so. So this weekend I might just make it a priority to finish off Dragon Ball FighterZ's story mode. It's very long and very silly, but at least now toward the end of Frieza's storyline it's starting to get a little challenging. Have a good weekend!
Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I'm so close to getting all the Shadow of the Colossus trophies. It's a very exciting time. Other than potentially finishing up that game for realsies, it will be a normal weekend without much going on.
Robbie Key (@RobbieKeyV) – Now that I've beaten the incredible experience that is Metal Gear Solid V, I'm going to continue pushing through side missions for more trophies. Following that, I'm hoping to start Valkyria Chronicles II on PSP or the Shadow of the Colossus remake on PS4. Hopefully I can maybe catch Black Panther this weekend – and hope it's not overhyped.
Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I'm through most of the story of Final Fantasy X HD Remaster, but now I'm doing all the optional things. I've already gotten all of the Aeons and am now working on the Celestial Weapons. Depending on how much time I have to game (and how much I can pull myself away from Overwatch), I might be able to put a bow on FFX HD. However, that's unlikely. In addition, I'd like to continue my playthrough of Celeste, and maybe even begin playing Iconoclasts. I also bought Crossing Souls, and oh no I still have Monster Hunter World sitting on my Xbox One waiting to be started. I still need to play Yakuza Kiwami as well. Help.
Joey Thurmond (@DrJoeystein) – Rainbow Six Siege has always fascinated me as an in-depth, strategic FPS with a strong fanbase. I've always wanted to give the game a go with friends. Even though we'll be destroyed to kingdom come, I'm going to see how I fare as an Operator this weekend. I also finished God of War a few days ago (pretty good but pacing and bosses were surprisingly minimal) and already started on the sequel, so I'll continue my journey to defy the Sisters of Fate. Shadow of the Colossus and reading through some books are in the pipeline for me, too.
Leo Vader (@leovader) – Rainbow Six Siege! Sorry Celeste! Sorry Kingdom Come Deliverance! Sorry Subnautica! I love you all, but not like my baby, Rainbow Six. Additionally, a friend of mine just got a PS4, so we're reliving our glory days playing The Last of Us' multiplayer together, and hopefully we get to do more of that soon. That's one of the greatest multiplayer modes ever. Tense shootouts, intricate maps, great balance. Reminds me of my baby, Rainbow Six! Love you, baby.
Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I'm still keeping up with Dragon Ball FighterZ. I think I'm a little too dedicated to my Adult Gohan/Android 18/Majin Buu team to drop it, but I think I might start building up a pocket Beerus/Vegeta/Android 16 team as well. I'm also working through Celeste's B-Side levels.
Kimberley Wallace (@kstar1785) – Well, Monster Hunter: World has taken over my life. I don't care if it's lame, but that's my weekend with some Overwatch in between. I also am almost ready to finally write my review for the Secret of Mana remake, so I'm be tying up some loose ends there. There's stuff I definitely don't like, but then other times I remember what made me fall in love with the game in the first place.
Kristin Williams (@kristincreate) – I've been too busy watching the Olympics to get any real gaming done this week, so I'll be trying to get in my loot boxes for the event in Overwatch first, and then hopefully some time for more Final Fantasy X so I can catch up to Shea again! I'm also seeing Black Panther tonight.
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