After our momentous celebration of 300 issues last weekend, this one is a time for us to unwind with a swath of activities, ranging from heading on over to the movies to testing our merit in the battle royale genre. Some of us are even drawn to Smash and Nintendo titles in general after the company's solid Direct on Thursday. But what are you up to this weekend? Let us know your plans in the comments below.
Jon Bowman (@MrGameAndWrite) – I started binging the second season of Jessica Jones last night. I had lower expectations after an incredible first season, but I’m hooked once again! I’ll finish that off this weekend. Other than that, I’m planning on showing Robbie why Fortnite is better than PUBG, watching some wrasslin’ on Sunday, and somewhere in between starting Life is Strange: Before the Storm. I wanted to wait until the bonus episode came out to make sure I fully recovered from the emotional toll of Life is Strange. I’m ready to feel all the feels again!
Jeff Cork (@gijeff) – One of my kids is having a sleepover this weekend, and unfortunately he’s made it clear that video games are on his agenda. I could slum it on the secondary gaming setup, but maybe this is my cue to read a book or go outside or something? Once they’ve gone to sleep, I’ll probably head downstairs and play Overwatch. Old habits die hard ...
Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – Oh man, what should I play this weekend? It might be a good time to jump back into Subnautica, but I’ve also been thinking about finally checking out Planet Coaster. Although I’ve been craving Smash Bros. again after the exciting announcement, so maybe a tournament of sorts is in order. Tell me what to play, comments! Have a good weekend!
Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I have a lot of movies to see this weekend. Going to try and see both Black Panther and A Wrinkle in Time. I also really want to see Early Man, as I fear my window to go see it in a theater is closing, but I won’t be able to see them all! I am going to have to pick. I’m also seriously considering a haircut, but I don’t want to make any promises. Sunday, I’ll be heading out of town for work stuff, so it will be a short one, but I am hoping to get some other fun stuff in there, too, like laundry folding.
Robbie Key (@RobbieKeyV) – I shall be working on a feature this weekend with my fellow G.I. intern, Jon Bowman, where we will play PUBG and Fortnite with each other on a quest to convince the other which one is better and why. Outside G.I. work, I am continuing my hee-hawing adventures in Red Dead Redemption, and editing a video that’s part of my Shenanikins YouTube series.
Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – This past week, I’ve gotten really into Hitman again and am likely going to try and finish it and the DLC I never played. Even after all this time, it’s still a really great game, if not even better than before. I’m also a few million halos away from purchasing the Rodin ticket in Bayonetta 2.
Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I recently put Shadow of the Colossus, Celeste, and Final Fantasy X behind me, so at the moment, I’m kind of between games. I’ve been slowly working my way through Yoshi’s Island and Pokémon Omega Ruby, but until Far Cry 5 hits, I don’t think I really have a big game in front of me. Maybe Yakuza Kiwami? Oh, and definitely more Overwatch, and probably some Pokémon Go.
Jeff M (@GIJeffM) – I thought I was finally getting over my infatuation with Into The Breach this week. Then I played it until 3:00AM last night/this morning. Suffice it to say I'm hooked again, but if I can manage to set aside my kaiju-stomping adventures, I might start up the Shadow of Colossus remake (which are kind of kaiju in their own right). On the television front, my wife and I might continue watching Altered Carbon and The Last Man On Earth, or we might start up The Colony, based on Reiner and Cork's suggestions. That's a lot of "might"s, but hey, it's the weekend!
Joey Thurmond (@DrJoeystein) – I have a superb weekend lined up! After seeing one of my favorite bands (The Oh Hellos ... you should look them up) on Friday night, I'm going to see if I can delve into Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide with a group of friends over the weekend to find out if the sequel is worth checking out at some point. I'll also be watching one of my favorite artists stream this weekend while I work on finishing God of War: Chains of Olympus. The remastered version on PS3 is stunning, which almost looks even better than the first God of War. The restrictions on gameplay with the PSP are evident in the port but it's solid nonetheless.
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