Weekend Warrior – Gods Of Wars

It's a big week for games. God of War, Labo, and Yakuza 6 came out just to name a few, so it should be no surprise that we're digging into those big releases over the weekend.

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – I’m planning on swinging by the store and picking up a copy of Labo tonight… but I don’t really know why… or if there will be any copies left? I think it’s an experience that I’d like to have in this wacky industry of ours. After that, I’m going to get to the stopping point (meeting Mimir) in God of War for our GI Game Club. Hmmm, let’s see… is there anything else? I’m going to maybe play some baseball on Sunday if all of our Minnesota snow melts? Okay, have a good weekend!

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I hit the stopping point in God of War on Wednesday for our Game Club, so I live in sidequest city now, avoiding the main story. I will also be doing lots of Labo-ing, the laundry, and seeing Isle of Dogs!

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m continuing to grind away at Overwatch’s current event to get as many skins as possible, but now that God of War and Yakuza 6 are out, so much of my time is going to be spent on those games.

Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I hit the stopping point for our God of War Game Club way too early, so now I have to wait until we record the first episode next week! I might take another run at the first half of it as a refresher? Maybe. But first I'd like to get through A Way Out with my brother, and try to get through Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, which I dropped after picking it up late last year.

I would also like to use this space to say that you should not buy Kaya on Techies. The item does nothing on the hero. Its magic damage amplification doesn't work on Techies' mines, which means the only skill you're empowering with it is Blast-Off!!, which isn't worth it. Sure, the manaloss and manacost reductions are nice, but casting Remote Mines for 30 less mana is paltry compared to other items you can get on the hero. Get you a Force Staff or Eul's Scepter instead. Then itemize for the late game and your +251 damage talent by getting a Hex, Moon Shard/Mjolnir, and Bloodthorne. Dota players might hate Techies, but with the right itemization, he can be useful in team fights and actually be super-aggressive. Don't ruin this by wasting gold on Kaya! Thank you.

Jeff Cork (@gijeff) – I’m playing God of War, and having an absolute blast. Unfortunately, one of my sons is having a friend over, so I’ll probably get the boot so they can play Fortnite. Life is hard, OK?

Leo Vader (@leovader) – I’ll be streaming more Siege tonight and Sunday at twitch.tv/leovaderdotcom! Streaming has made a fun game even more fun. Besides that I’ll be playing more Yakuza 6, which is one of those games where I’m content to just walk around and get into random brawls for hours. The new combat, skills and hunger system make for a really fun and engaging loop. HAGS!

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