Capcom Says Monster Hunter World On Switch Is Unfeasible, But A New Game Makes Sense

Monster Hunter World is Capcom's fastest selling title ever and makes the once western-niche series into a worldwide blockbuster. Because of this success, Capcom has been fielding a lot of questions from shareholders about the possibility of Monster Hunter World specifically on other systems, extra specifically the Switch. Every time they have been asked the question, Capcom points to Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and suggests that World would have a hard time being ported to the Switch.

From a recent shareholder meeting, Capcom decided to leave the realm of suggestions and just say Monster Hunter World can't come to the Nintendo Switch, reported from those in attendance at the meeting. It is unclear if they mean it can't be done because of a marketing deal or it's just technologically impossible, but either way, Capcom isn't going to be releasing a game titled Monster Hunter World on the Switch. Earlier this year, Iron Galaxy CEO Adam Boyes said they were confident they could port World to the Switch, but it doesn't seem like Capcom took them up on the offer.

That said, the company does plan to pursue Monster Hunter games designed specifically for Switch. The upcoming Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is a port of a 3DS title, so no original Monster Hunter games have been made for the system yet. It is likely Capcom wants to pursue two lines of parallel Monster Hunter games again, like when they had a mainline Monster Hunter series and a Portable series on the PSP.

We played Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate at E3 and felt the lack of Monster Hunter World's improvements made the game feel archaic. Monster Hunter World is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and will be on by PC the end of the year.

World's extremely open areas and moving parts might definitely be too much for the Switch, but hopefully Capcom can make a game that at least includes World's quality of life improvements. I spent a lot of time hoping World could be portable and I'm willing to buy both versions, so I'm definitely the kind of consumer Capcom wants here.

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