SNK 40th Anniversary Collection Getting 10 More Games Post-Launch

Update: This article has been updated to clarify that the 10 games added after launch will be free.

Original story: At this point, we know of 14 games coming to The SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, with more announcements on the way. The 13 included at launch on November 13, however, won't be everything players get.

Nintendo Everything reports that at its PAX 2018 panel, SNK announced that 10 additional games will be headed to the collection as free DLC. The company revealed five of those games, which are:

  • Chopper I
  • Fantasy
  • Munch Mobile
  • Sasuke vs Commander
  • Time Soldiers

 The other five, along with the rest of the games in the collection, will be revealed at a later date.

[Source: Nintendo Everything]

It's a little weird to be announcing games that won't be added in until after launch when the launch lineup hasn't been fully revealed, but that seems to be the trend nowadays.

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