Jenova Chen Says Sky Will Move Beyond Mobile This Year

Jenova Chen is the co-founder of thatgamecompany and the creative mind behind games like Journey, Flower, and the recently released iPhone game, Sky: Children of the Light. Chen recently appeared on The Game Informer Show Podcast and we asked him when and if we can expect to see Sky on non-mobile platforms in the future. "It's capable of coming to anything. It's just like, where, it naturally fits the best," Chen says.

Sky: Children of the Light is a free-to-play mobile game, and with that platform comes familiar free-to-play mechanics, but Chen says the game began a little differently. "We built the premium game as the roller coaster ride, but now, in order to allow people to come in so we can build a society, a community here, we changed the roller-coaster ride into a theme park," Chen says. "Essentially, you can hang out in the theme park where the roller coaster ride is still there, if you want to experience it, so we're building to something much more massive."

We asked Chen if the version of the game that will release on PC and home consoles will be closer to that roller coaster version of the game and if it will also be free. "Probably not completely free. It's a lot of money to make this game [laughs]," Chen says, "But certainly the console version will have richer, high-definition graphics."

We asked Chen when the game will be on other platforms, and he didn't have an exact date quite yet. "We will share with you when the date has become solidified, but certainly there will be quite a few platforms this year."

For more on Sky: Children of the Light, you can read our review here. You can also see more from our full interview with Jenova Chen by watching the clip from The Game Informer Show at the top of this story.

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