Sleeping Dogs Developer Announces 3v3 Gang Warfare Game Smash + Grab

United Front Games, the studio behind Sleeping Dogs and ModNation Racers, has announced Smash + Grab, a new 3v3 gang warfare game where teams compete for loot, weapons, and reputation. The rapid-fire match layout and the fast-paced gameplay is set to hit Early Access this Septmeber.

The objective of each match is to grab $50,000 in goods from the shopping district the match is taking place in, or by lifting it from the opposing team. The 15-minute matches give players the opportunity to raid progressively bigger stores and unlock new weapon mods, perks, and clothes. You can also customize your loadout and look of your gang members using the items you unlock.

The gameplay encourages creative methods and tactical teamwork to succeed. You can see the announcement trailer below.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Though Smash + Grab is meant to be an online experience, the Early Access build will also include an offline mode to let players practice on the two initial multiplayer maps and modes. Over the course of its period in Early Access, Smash + Grab will receive new leaders, weapons, vanity items, maps, and modes. Smash + Grab hits Steam Early Access this September.


Our Take
I like the premise of this game. I'm primarily a console gamer, but if the buzz out of Smash + Grab's Early Access stint is positive, I could see myself picking it up at some point.

Sleeping Dogs Developer Announces 3v3 Gang Warfare Game Smash + Grab
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