While some of us are getting ready to dress like characters for our favorite games, the rest of us are busy catching up on games like Resident Evil 5, Picross 3D Round 2, and Batman: Arkham Origins. Tell us what you have planned for the weekend in the comment below.
Jenifer Vinson (@JenMarie_Vinson) – I am revving up for two new cosplay endeavors – Lara Croft à la Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. This weekend is materials gathering time! And maybe a little bit of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided if I need a break or stab myself with a needle or something.
Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – After participating in our Resident Evil 4 Super Replay, I wanted to play a Resident Evil game, so I’ve been making my way through 5 on PlayStation 4. I only played it through once when the game came out, so I remember very little of my original experience. For that reason, I’ve been enjoying my recent playthrough. Picross 3D Round 2 has also become a full-on obsessions, so I will continue to play that. I also plan on cooking some tuna steaks, but I will spare you the excessive details.
Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I'll be playing Batman: Arkham Origins (the only Arkham game I haven't finished), as well as Madden NFL 17 and Overwatch.
Jeff Marchifava (@gijeffm) – I’ve got a whole pile of half-finished games that I should get back to, and it’s a weird pile – Dangerous Golf, No Man’s Sky, and Overwatch are all at the top, and couldn’t be more different. If those don’t sate my gaming hunger, I might finally get back to Doom, one of my surprise favorites from 2016 so far (not that it should’ve been…surprising, that is).
Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I’m currently working through a review game I don’t think I can talk about, but if I have time I’m gonna finally get back into Street Fighter V. I haven’t been able to play for a while since I use a hitbox with very loud buttons and I didn’t want to wake up the other people living at my old place. Now I live by myself in an apartment, and if the people living across the hall hear me, well, I don’t really have to care.
Weekend Warrior – Dressing For Success
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