What To Watch This Weekend: Counter-Strike, Overwatch's World Cup, and Dota 2

Whether you need something to hold you over until games start coming out later this month or just need background noise for when you play World of WarCraft: Legion or Phoneix Wight: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice, there are more than enough tournaments to eat up your time this weekend.

The most popular event this week will likely be Starladder Starseries Season 2, which will have its final rounds of matches today and tomorrow (Stream / Schedule). Teams will compete for an enormous $300,000 prize pool, with first place taking home $130,000.

While several leagues are wrapping up, Blizzard has just begun the Europoean qualifying rounds for its Overwatch World Cup, which will have one team from each of the 49 participating nations compete for a spot in the finals, which will take place at this year's Blizzcon in November. (Stream / Schedule)

Meanwhile, some of the teams emerging from the recent Dota 2 roster shuffling have been facing off in the Mineski Pro Gaming League Southeast Asia finals, with first place taking home $30,000. (Stream / Schedule)

In fighting game land, we have the Manila Cup (Stream / Schedule), Lockdown 2016 In Portugal (Stream / Schedule) and The MidSouth Championships. (Stream / Schedule)

Finally, we have some the World of Tanks WGL Season One (Stream / Schedule), as well as the Vainglory Evil8 Summer Championships. (Stream / Schedule)

Happy watching! Did we miss any tournaments you plan on watching? Let us know in the comments.

[Thanks to NeoGAF user Tripon for fighting game event streams and schedules.]

What To Watch This Weekend: Counter-Strike, Overwatch's World Cup, and Dota 2
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