Weekend Warrior – Nothing But Fantasy

E3 still took its toll on the office here at Game Informer, so this weekend we're all looking for some real recovery time. The conference lit some old gaming flames so a lot of us are looking into replaying some Final Fantasy titles. And it might also be a solid time to catch up on those chores E3 made us pass up on.

Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I'm still trekking through Bloodstained for review, as well as one other game I can't talk about yet. I also have a new wooden Hitbox controller, and with the Kombat League having started, I'll see if I can't dive back into MK11 for a bit.

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I guess I should mow my lawn. I feel like I write that every Weekend Warrior. We had plans to see Toy Story 4 last night, but had to cancel them due to illness. Hopefully everyone is healthy soon and we can go see it this weekend. I love Pixar and Toy Story and when the reviews started rolling in for 4, it quickly became my most anticipated film of the year. I can’t wait to see it. Otherwise I will be finishing up Cadence of Hyrule (I’m about halfway through), Resident Evil Remake on Switch (I’m about halfway through), and Days Gone (I’m about halfway through). I also want to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time. I’m looking forward to it.

Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – This weekend I hope to spend a little time in Kamurocho solving mysteries with Judgment. The Monster Hunter World: Iceborne beta is also this weekend so I can’t wait to get some time with that! And there’s also Outer Wilds and Cadence of Hyrule and Bloodstained there’s just too many games vying for all my attention. It’s a good and maddening problem to have.

Javy Gwaltney – I’m gonna be starting Final Fantasy VI!

Blake Woog (@woog_blake) – Final Fantasy XV! I'm gonna kick back, relax, and ride some chocobos. I'm trying to play a bunch of Final Fantasy games this summer, and I'm starting with XV.

Joseph Stanichar (@JosephStanichar) – I hope to finish up Uncharted: The Lost Legacy this weekend, and hopefully start up something else! Maybe I'll play Sonic Mania so Blake stops nagging me to do so. You can watch me play whatever I'm playing on Twitch at twitch.tv/joseph_stanichar

Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I don’t know if I’ll have too much time for games, but I’ll most likely fill any gaps with more StarCraft II. I’m having such a good time playing that game again. I’m also going to see Toy Story 4 tonight and I'm going to a wedding tomorrow, so it’ll all be a real good time. Have a good weekend!

Emma Welch-Murphy (@EmmaMcmurphy) – Got more freelancing to do but The Sims 4 Island Living just came out and I am ready to watch a bunch of other people play it! I wasn't able to bring any consoles or my PC so gaming has been nonexistent. So watching others live the dream is currently the plan.

Jeff Cork – This weekend, I’m planning to play a bunch of Judgment. It’s been a little weird walking Kamurocho’s familiar streets without Kiryu, but what can you do? I might also fire up some Path of Exile, since it’s been too long since I last played. Oh yeah! The Monster Hunter World: Iceborne beta is out starting today, too. Hopefully, it rains all weekend long, so I don’t feel too guilty about staying inside the whole time.

Kim Wallace (@kstar1785) – After Final Fantasy VII Remake’s awesome showing at E3, I’m replaying Final Fantasy VII, as I’m sure many of you also are. I just want a more recent refresher, so I can really see the differences and similarities when the remake launches in March. Other than that, I got back into The Sims 4, and let’s just say there’s a reason why I haven’t had as active of a social life recently.

Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – This weekend I’m planning on jumping around a bit to play predecessors to games that impressed me at E3 this year. I already started my Dying Light replay, but when I’m not feeling a zombie apocalypse, I’ll jump over to Watch Dogs 2. I’ll probably wait a bit to replay Breath of the Wild, but that’s on my radar now thanks to that reveal. Maybe I’ll even try Fallout 76 again! In between gaming sessions inspired by E3, I’ll play some Overwatch and Marvel Strike Force.

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